A Canine Clean

One of the more recent additions to the Protectus portfolio is our canine drug detection service. As we work in conjunction with a range of superyacht charter companies and crews, we understand that the presence of illegal substances on board a vessel is simply out of...

A-List Wedding

Protectus’ help was enlisted to provide executive services for a celebrity wedding in the south of France during the summer. We were tasked with delivering full scale security to the clients and their guests during their stay in France, while maintaining strict...

A Royal Tour

The close protection officer (CPO) was commissioned to support members of a royal family during their honeymoon. The clients required discreet protection to manage their movements in several locations before, during and after the trip, including Riyadh, Tokyo, the...

VIP Trip to Zambia

The close protection officer (CPO) was tasked with supporting an internationally known actress and her party during a charity trip to Zambia. The CPO provided security and privacy for all attendees during the trip and oversaw local travel arrangements, including...