In order to comply with drug and alcohol policies, adhere to insurance specifications and ultimately, ensure they don’t break the law, our Superyacht clients rely on us to assist them monitor and maintain high standards and zero tolerance to illegal substances on board.

The possibility of narcotics being stowed on a yacht presents a host of challenges for captains and crew and even the most vigilant housekeeping team can fall foul of well-hidden contraband.

Random K9 sweeps offer captains and owners a proactive approach to successfully locate and remove drugs from the vessel. Such sweeps also offer the opportunity to gather related intelligence while serving as a deterrent to those who may otherwise attempt to bring drugs aboard.

Protectus was recently deployed to conduct a full drug sweep of an iconic 70m yacht in Barcelona, which included crew testing and K9 search. The yacht had finished the busy charter season and required sterilisation ahead of its crossing to the Caribbean.

The K9 sweep involved detailed planning and a collaborative approach between the captain, crew and Protectus. When done efficiently, and particularly alongside the manual sweep and crew testing, the K9 search helps ensure the cleanliness of the yacht with minimal disruption to the environment.

The K9 plays an integral role in sweep procedures and their presence indicates a willingness by the yacht crew to remain proactive in their efforts to ensure the safety and security of the vessel.

In our experience, owners and captains are pleased to see the results of a K9 sweep as it helps identify the extent of any potential drug problem on board and typically reveals the location of any substances. With repeated use of K9 sweeps, the number of positive indications for narcotics often decreases.

The K9 was able to identify and corroborate potential traces uncovered by the manual sweep team, and provide additional reassurance that no illicit substances remained on board. The steralisation process was carried out effectively within strict time limits and a full report provided to the captain.

For further details on our procedures or to discuss your requirements please contact us.