The Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs) recognise and reward companies and individuals across the security sector. The OSPAs distinguish those individuals and companies who drive outstanding performance across the security sector and work at an exceptional level.

Protectus was selected by an international judging panel from a national pool of applicants as winner of the Outstanding Security Consultant Award, which recognised the security consultant or team that had demonstrated outstanding performance in any aspect of security consulting.

The awards event took place at the Royal Lancaster in central London on 1 March 2018. Over 400 security professionals gathered to celebrate outstanding performance across the sector, with dinner and a presentation hosted by recently retired Chief Constable of Derbyshire, Mick Creedon QPM.

The award acknowledged that security consultants often play a key role in offering expertise and insight which can transform the quality of a service, product, system or experience that is being supplied. It recognised the existence of a distinct skill set and crucially the way these skills were harnessed and managed to make a difference to security strategy and practice.

Protectus won the award for driving security performance, with key distinguishing strengths including leadership skills, positive influence over wider business operations and successfully demonstrating how high performance has been sustained.

Managing Director Alexander Pennington said:

“I am proud and delighted that Protectus has been voted Outstanding Security Consultant at the Outstanding Security Performance Awards 2018 and to have spent the evening in such excellent company celebrating the achievements of the security sector.”