Peter Peter
Know about me Peter



K9 Services Consultant



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43 Berkeley Square,Mayfair,London,W1J 5AP

Peter is a nationally recognised drug dog handler with over twenty years’ experience in the prison service.

Having joined Her Majesty’s Prison Service in 1994, Peter developed his initial skills as a prison officer, working within the High-Security Prison Estate. Peter then joined the team in one of only a few Special Secure Units in the UK prison system, where he specialised in advanced security techniques and received training from High Government agencies on security issues and contingency planning. Peter then became a self-defence control and restraint instructor and joined the nationally led Intervention Control and Restraint Advance Team.

Peter followed his ambition to become a dog handler, joining the Prison Service Drug Dog Unit in his local prison. Peter quickly established himself and on several occasions received recognition from his Governors for his professionalism and his work ethic, and as part of a Drug Dog Team, he gained national recognition.

Having established himself as a drug dog handler he then advanced into training the drug dogs, initially attending and being accredited as a continuation trainer for the development of existing drug dogs and their handlers. He then became an initial drug dog trainer in pro-active and passive drug dog courses. As part of this work, Peter developed dogs and their handlers to form an efficient and effective team to conduct their tasks and duties to a high standard.

Peter prides himself on his work ethic, professionalism, honesty and trust. The fight against drug misuse is something he has participated in for most of his working life and he will ensure that when the Protectus teams are deployed, they share the same values and standards he has set and maintained.


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